
Head of the Department
Professor, Doctor of Sciences (Physics & Mathematics)
СЕРГЄЄВА ОЛЕКСАНДРА ЄВГЕНІВНА Завідувач кафедри, професор, доктор фізико-математичних наук
Graduated from Odessa I. I. Mechnikov State University in the “Physics” specialty. She is working in ONAFT since 1969; as the head of the department since 1997. She is a member of two specialized councils for defense of doctoral dissertations and a member of the editorial board of one professional edition.
Scientific interests
1. Processes of formation and relaxation of the polarized state in polymeric electrets from polar and non-polar materials;
2. Development of new methods for the investigation of electrophysical processes in polar and non-polar dielectrics;
3. Physical processes in piezoelectric and pyroelectric sensors and devices produced on the basis of ferroelectric polymers;
4. Physical methods of studying of food products properties;
5. Application of innovative technologies in the development of new types of packaging for food products.
Prof. A.E. Sergeeva is the author of more than 250 scientific publications and scientific and methodological works, including 7 monographs. Four PhD dissertations were defended under her guidance. She received 7 grants for scientific research and participation in international scientific projects.
26 scientific papers of Prof. A.E. Sergeeva in English have been registered in the SCOPUS scientific database and 49 scientists made references to these works. By the number of articles registered in SCOPUS and by the citation index (h=5), she occupies the 6th place among all ONAFT teaching staff members.
Due to accomplished achievements she was awarded with the Honorary Diploma of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine; she obtained the “Excellence in Education of Ukraine” sign and received the honorary title of “Honored ONAFT Professor “, and was awarded the prize “For Contribution to the Development of the Academy (ONAFT)”. She has the honorary title of the Sorosovskiy Professor.

Skype: Alexandra.Sergeeva5

Professor, Doctor of Sciences (Physics & Mathematics)
Федосов С.Н.
Graduated from the Odessa O. Popov Electrotechnical Institute of Communications, “Radio Communication and Radio Broadcasting” specialty. He is working in ONAFT since 1965. In 1989 he defended the doctoral dissertation and received the academic title as a professor at the Department of Physics in 1991.
From 1991 to 1996 he was a Head of the Department of Physics. 5 candidate and 1 doctoral dissertation were defended under his leadership. During 5 years (1974-1979) he worked as a UNESCO expert in Thin Film Physics. At the invitation, he worked for two years (1996-1997) at the University of Sao Paulo (Brazil) and two years (2000-2001) at the Darmstadt Technical University (Germany). He has the honorary title of the Sorosovskiy Professor (1998).
Prof. S. Fedosov is the head of the “Development of technology for manufacturing and research of new functional materials and coatings” scientific school consisting of 4 professors, doctors of sciences. He has more than 450 scientific papers, of which about 250 are written in English and published in prestigious international journals. He is the author and co-author of 12 monographs. SCOPUS’s scientific database contains 68 publications of S. Fedosov, as well as 395 references to his works. The index of citation of S. Fedosov’s articles (h=12) is the highest among ONAFT scientists. He received more than 20 grants from international funds and conducted research at universities in England, Greece, Belgium, Portugal, China, Brazil, and Germany.
For the achieved successes, he obtained the Honorary Diplomas of the Ministry of Higher Education of the USSR and the Ukrainian SSR, the “For Scientific Achievements” and “The Excellence in Education of Ukraine” marks, the Gratitude of the Prime Minister of Ukraine, received the “Honored Professor ONAFT” honorary title and was awarded the prize “For Contribution to development of the academy (ONAFT) “.

Skype: fedosov1940

Professor, Doctor of Chemical Sciences
Задорожный В.Г.
Graduated from the Faculty of Engineering and Physics of the Odessa Polytechnic Institute in 1971. He has been working at ONACHT since 1972. In 1977 he defended his PhD disertation on the theme: “Obtaining and researching thin polymeric films and coatings produced in a vacuum” at the Leningrad Lensovet Technological Institute. In 1989 he defended the doctoral dissertation on the topic: “Investigation of the processes of the formation of thin polymer films in vacuum and creation of new technologies on their basis”.
He was awarded the Honorary Diploma of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine (2010)/ He is a Master of Sports of the USSR, Deputy of the Odessa City Council (2009-2011), teaches the discipline “Physics”.
Sphere of scientific interests:
1. Physics of thin films structure formation processes on a solid substrate in a vacuum;
2. Application of thin polymer films and coatings in microelectronics;
3. Investigation of the processes of obtaining amaranth oil and studying the structure of its components.
Professor V.G. Zadorozhny has 240 scientific and scientific-methodical publications, among them one monograph and 6 certificates of authorship and patents.


Professor, Doctor of Sciences (Physics & Mathematics)


Graduated from Odessa M.V. Lomonosov Technological Institute, “Thermophysics” specialty. He defended the doctoral dissertation in 1991. From 2001 to 2015 he was the head of the Department of Physics of the Odessa Refrigeration Academy. He is a member of two Specialized Academic Councils for the defense of PhD and DSc dissertations: After the merging of the Department of Applied Physics and Electrotechnology and the Department of Physics and Materials Science he is working as a Professor of the department.
Sphere of scientific interests:
• Creation of a new concept of phase transitions of the first order taking into account the heterogeneity of phases and the influence of external fields for pure components and mixtures;
• Formulation of the fundamental hypothesis of the universality of fluid systems at a critical point, which fundamentally differs from the universality hypothesis for Izing-like structures;
• Fluctuation-thermodynamic theory of the state equation applicable to a wide range of substances from normal fluids to ionic liquids, molten metals and polymeric solutions;
• Investigation of nano-scale and ion nano-structures based on the author’s methodology of fluctuation-thermodynamic analysis.
Professor V.B. Rogankov is the author of nearly 200 articles in magazines with a high impact factor and 3 monographs. He received 2 grants for carrying out research.
In 2007 he was awarded the “Excellence in Education of Ukraine” mark. In 2012 he was awarded the “For scientific achievements” mark from the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine.


Associate Professor, Doctor of Technical Sciences
Лищенко Н.В.
She graduated from the Odessa National Polytechnic University in 1999 with a degree in “Mechanical Engineering”. She defended her PhD thesis in 2006. She is working at the Department of Physics and Materials Science since 2007. In 2018 she defended her doctoral dissertation and obtained the degree of the Doctor of Technical Sciences.
She teaches the following courses:
1. Technological bases of mechanical engineering;
2. Technology of construction materials and materials science;
3. Technology of the worn parts recovery.
Research Interests:
Optimization of blade and abrasive treatment of machine parts.
He has more than 100 scientific papers and 10 patents.



Associate Professor, PhD (Physics & Mathematics)
Мураховский В.Г.
Graduated from Odessa І.І. Mechnikov National University in the “Physics” specialty. Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences (PhD), Associate Professor at the Department of Physics and Materials Science, Director of Educational and Methodological Center for Quality Assurance in Higher Education of ONAFT.
He teaches the following courses:
1. Physics;
2. The physical foundations of modern information technologies;
3. Metrology and Standardization
He is an author of more than 100 scientific works, including the “Microionics” monograph, 8 textbooks and manuals with a signature stamp of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, as well as 7 copyright certificates for inventions and patents.
Scientific activity is connected with the research of superionic conductors and heterosystems on their basis, as well as the development of automated control systems for educational institutions and the creation of multimedia courses of educational disciplines.



Senior Teacher

Head of Laboratories
Никитенко Т.А.

Head of Laboratories
Кейбал О.О.

Ангеловська В.В.

Мочуляк А.В.

Левченко В.І.

Senior laboratory technician
Жмуренко О.І.

Senior laboratory technician
Кондратюк Т.І.